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  • davidgabbert

A Castle Gate... But Not Any Gate... The West One

In this art piece by John Hamilton we see that all the colors are a bit muted, we also see that the castle is crumbling, but the sky is blue so there seems to be a sense of peace. There is only one person in the piece and she looks to be running. This piece seems to hold a solitudity to it, its very calm and peaceful, maybe to symbolize calm after a war.

The use of muted colors gives off a sense of calmness because there is no bright vibrant colors jumping out at you. If the colors were to be more captivating then it would give off more of a sense of alertness. The muted colors add to the solitude feeling, and the blue shows peace.

The crumbling castle shows that there was possibly a war or battle that happened. This makes it seem like a sort of calm after the storm. We also notice a solomn tree, somewhat bend and broken, it kind of seems like there was, as stated before, either battle or a big storm. There looks to be water in the far background of the piece so maybe there was a hurricane.

The single person, woman, who seems to be running, give us a sense of possibly, urgentcy. The fact that she is seemingly running, shows that something must be wrong. Also the fact that she is allow shows us something must have happened and is again, possibly wrong.

Some big themes within this peace from our persective are solitudity, peace, and a calm after the storm/battle. The artist does a great job of portraying these themes through his color choices, his placements, and his choice of objects within the piece. All in all this is an amzing piece, with a great theme of peace and subject of calm after chaos.

Hamilton, John. “West Gate of Pevensey Castle, Sussex - John Hamilton Mortimer.” USEUM,

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