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  • Rachel.Zimmerman

Peaceful Sorrow

The art piece Ophelia by John Everett Millais is a very peaceful work of art. His use of calm colors, mostly green, really captivates the eye, and his use of the flowers surrounding dead Ophelia really captures the feeling of melancholy. John portrays Ophelia drowned in a stream which shows a connection with nature and death, and the beauty of it with her magnificent dress. Although the story behind the piece is daunting, Ophelia having drowned herself, it is a very calm piece.

John uses many greens within his piece and this works well in giving a sense of harmony. His use of the beautiful flowers that Ophelia holds are very bright, contrasting with t he deep greens, which helps give emphasis to Ophelia herself. Such as a halo to an angel, the flowers are Ophelia’s halo. This flower halo, and Ophelia’s facial expression at death also give us a sense of melancholy which makes us able to feel a snippet of her pain and sadness.

Why did she drown herself in a stream? We have no way of knowing, but we believe John painted her in the stream because it connects death to nature. Drowning herself in the stream, somewhat portrays death as just being a part of the nature of everything. Her beautiful dress also makes it seem that John is trying to illustrate the beauty of nature and death.

Overall, John did an amazing job depicting and communicating the theme, peace and sadness, within his piece. He used many different aspects to photograph the subject of beauty in death and in nature, and he did it well. Using color, placement, and multiple other aspects, we see clearly his wonderful thoughtfulness and skill in this piece.

By: The Britalit Group

Works Cited

Everett Millais, J. (2019). [online] Available at: [Accessed 9 Apr. 2019].

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