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What Good is a Train Without Its Tracks?

A journalist wrote about article of The Railway Accident at Bradfield In Essex. This accident happened in England at 2.44pm on the Great Eastern Railway. This article has information about how the accident occurred and a description of the death of the stoker. The theme is the reporting of the accident and the subject is the accident itself. The journalist uses many ways to communicate this theme.

The article description of the accident is very vivid. They tell exactly how the train lurched: “The engine lurched over and dashed down the steep embankment, dragging all the train after it” (Illustrated London News Article). This shows the theme of reporting the accident because it describes exactly what happened. The next major thing the article talks about is the death of the stoker. A stoker is the worker who fuels a furnace of a locomotive. It tells that the stoker was crushed by the engine and immediately killed. The accident happened so quickly that the stoker didn’t have time to react: “He lay with his hand still grasping the metal handle of the break” (Illustrated London News Article). Instead of just telling the accident was fast, the journalist uses this line of the stoker’s death to show the accident’s abruptness.

Another major thing that comes with the article is an illustration drawn by one of the passengers. The drawing shows a train completely derailed from the tracks. In it, people are rushing out of the train and watching nearby. The journalist had decided to use the illustration to show the accident, which is another way other than just writing to show the theme.

The journalist communicates the theme and subject many ways. The writing of the article and the illustration shows the theme of how the accident was reported and the subject being the accident.

By: The Britalit Group

works cited

National Archives. “Railway Accident.” The National Archives, The National Archives, 12 Mar. 2014,

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